Laser skin resurfacing is a procedure which is performed by doctors at medical spas. It will remove the upper layer of the skin, and the inner layer of the skin. Laser skin resurfacing is a little more drastic of a procedure compared to the medical microdermabrasion, and the laser acne. It helps with blemishes, acne scars, acne, and dis-pigmintation on the face. It has a down time of about 2 or 3 days, wherein you’ll feel a mild sunburn-like feeling and you’ll just have to put a little bit of the ointment, that the medical spa can give you, everyday to help alleviate the sunburn-like feeling. During the procedure, it doesn’t hurt very much – it’s just like a rubber snap kind of feeling.
If a person has a lot of blemishes, dis-pigmintation, scaring, I do suggest that laser resurfacing is the best procedure for their condition. Laser skin resurfacing is better because it acts much faster and you see the results much sooner as compared to the medical microdermabrasion or laser acne treatment in Las Vegas alone.