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 5 Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Skin Tightening

 5 Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Skin Tightening

Past a certain age, everyone longs for youthful, firmer skin, but not everyone wants to go to the extreme of plastic surgery to get it. 

We understand.

That’s why at Love Your Body Medical Spa, we offer an innovative way to shore up your sagging skin without going under the knife. Dr. Davina Averilla has mastered the art and science of skin tightening with the Reaction™ system by Viora CORE™. 

Here’s why women and men throughout Las Vegas, Nevada, are turning to cosmetic skin tightening and why it might be time for you to try it, too.

1. Skin tightening is noninvasive 

Unlike surgical procedures, Reaction requires no incisions or stitches. So, if your schedule is crammed, and you don’t want to take time out to heal from surgery, this treatment is a great plus. 

According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, noninvasive skin-tightening treatments have much lower complication rates than surgical options. 

2. Skin tightening delivers excellent results

The Reaction system uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to target the deep layers of your skin. The energy we send down through the tissues stimulates collagen production, the foundation for skin elasticity and firmness.

Studies show that RF treatments like Reaction™ can contour your skin, reduce your wrinkles, and slim your face.

3. We can customize your treatments

Everyone’s skin is unique, and we love that the Reaction technology considers your individual complexion. The system allows us to customize your treatments to match your skin type and concerns. 

Whether you’re dealing with sagging skin on your face, neck, or body, we can adjust the Reaction settings to target those areas.

4. It doesn’t hurt

Pain is the most common concern regarding cosmetic treatments, which is another reason Reaction is a great choice. The system has a built-in cooling mechanism that keeps you comfortable during the treatment.

Most people experience only mild warmth or tingling — it’s a relatively painless procedure.

5. The results last a long time

You’ll see a difference immediately after your Reaction treatment, but the results keep getting better. The collagen stimulation continues to improve your skin’s texture and firmness over several months.

If you take good care of your skin, your results could last 1-3 years.

Although you’ll notice tighter skin after your first session, Dr. Averilla recommends repeating the treatment once every 2-4 weeks for up to six sessions. The appointments are short — only about 30-60 minutes — so it won’t take much time to get the treatment and get back to your routine. 

To schedule a Reaction skin-tightening treatment or learn more about it, call Love Your Body Medical Spa at 702-213-5948, or book online today.

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